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Previous Work

Market systems assessment of Vegetable value chain and Business Development Services in Zanzibar
This assignment aimed at Identifying the key business champions and their networks in different horticultural commodities. Also identifying systemic issues that block the growth and competitiveness of these business champions hence proposing the business solutions that could trigger private sector providers and other stakeholders to respond.

Skills for Employment Tanzania
Youth and Young Mothers' Employment and Earnings Baseline survey.

Comic Relief Project
MMA was engaged to Comic relief project implementation jointly with SNV. MMA specifically focused on the Business development services, Business planning and implementation to the Cooperatives who are in dairy sector in Kilimanjaro region under the umbrella of KDCJE.

Dairy Profit Project
Dairy profit project aims to increase productivity and incomes for smallholder dairy farmers, and youth enterprises development in the dairy sector. In this regard, innovative models of services delivery, which become sources of employment for youth, will be tested, implemented and scaled